Public Notice

Tuesday, May 24 2022

The   U.S.   Department   of   Commerce, Economic  Development  Administration (EDA)   is   
considering   a   request   for Federal  assistance  from   the  Chippewa Cree  Tribe  to 
construct  the Administrative Site Infrastructure Project (ASIP)  in  Box  Elder,  
Chouteau  County, MT.      Pursuant      to      the      National Environmental  Policy  Act  of  
1969,  as amended,     EDA     is     conducting     an environmental  assessment   (EA)  of  the 
proposed project.

The   proposed    project    will   fund    the infrastructure     needed      for     a     new 
Administration        Building        to        be constructed    on    an    existing    concrete 
foundation  adjacent  to  the  Rocky  Boy Health   Center   Complex   on   the  Rocky Boy’s   
Indian   Reservation.   The   project will  include  an  asphalt  parking  area  for 40-50    
vehicles,    landscaping,    walking paths,   and   reclamation   of   an   existing stormwater   
pond.   The   project   will   be located alongside the existing Rocky Boy Health  Center  Complex  
located  at  6850 Upper     Box     Elder     Road.      Project information is available for 
review at the Rocky  Boy  Health  Center,  6850  Upper Box  Elder  Road,  Box  Elder,  MT  59521, 
phone  406-395-1701.  Attn:  Joel  Rosette, CEO.

If  you  have  any  information  regarding potential         environmental         impacts 
associated   with   this   proposed   project, please provide it in writing via EMAIL to:

Regional Environmental Officer US Department of Commerce,
Economic Development Administration 1244 Speer Blvd Ste 431
Denver, CO 80204




















Comments received in the EDA Regional Office by 5:00 pm on June 12, 2022 15 days after the third 
day of publication of this notice will be considered. A copy of the  NEPA  decisional  document  
will  be available upon request at the above EDA Regional Office.

Published in The Havre Daily News May 25,26,27